Class 1 *** Knowing Your Backyard Birds (30 most common) Talk ***

Join us with Stephen Lyn Bales at Wild Birds Unlimited Knoxville while we learn 30 bird species you are likely to see in your yard at different times. How to identify them and where they like to hang out.

Class 2: *** Secrets of Backyard Birds Class ***

Chickadee have great memories, nuthatches have big feet, blue jays are female led, and woodpeckers have incredibly long tongues. These are just a few of the secrets of your backyard birds. And this class will teach you a lot more.


 Class 3: **Owlology**

Joining Stephen Lyn Bales will be Lisa Thomison, founder of Owl Ridge Raptor Center, a non-profit 501(c) organization that specializes in the care of orphaned or injured birds of prey that include Vultures, Hawks, Falcons, Owls and even Eagles! Lisa works closely with UT Veterinarian School, TWRA, and other rehabbers and individuals like yourselves.

 Class 4: **Creating A Bird Friendly Yard**

Join the WBU staff and learn about the different feeders, foods, birdbaths, and nest boxes available. Plus Stephen Lyn will add a note about all the native trees, shrubs and flowers that some of your birds rely on.


Love is in the air and class is back in session!
Did you know that some birds mate for life while others are only together long enough to produce one clutch? However, all birds go through somewhat different but very interesting courtship behavior to strengthen their pair bonding.

Class 6: Bird Nesting & Parenting
It's March, bird parenting has begun and there's a flurry of activity around the house as your backyard birds scramble to build their nests! Did you know that Cardinals need dense shrubs for nesting while bluebirds look for a tree cavity or nest box?



It's that time of year again! After spending their winters in Central America, the ruby-throated hummingbirds are due back this month! Let's learn about their life histories and everything you need to do to make your yard a hummingbird haven! 

Native Plant Handout: Click Here!


 Your backyard birds are highly vocal. There are companion calls, robust territorial songs and alarm hisses. Let's learn some of the songs your favorite birds use to keep in touch with one another.